Saturday, September 7, 2019

Prevention of Diabetes naturally

Prevention of Diabetes naturally

Prevention of Diabetes naturally

Of all chronic illnesses that affect humans right now, type 2 diabetes is the one, doubtlessly, that can be prevented with ease. It is projected that around 90 percent of all the diabetes cases could
be annihilated. Diabetes treatment involves simple modifications in daily life. Diabetes treatment needs a control of the  blood glucose level linked with diabetes. This condition is often the direct
cause of our lifestyle. For instance, various researches have shown that some distant populations that have followed western routine have seen their type 2 diabetes escalating in a dramatic manner. In contrast, when those populations have reverted to their traditional routine, this trend has been reversed.

In US alone, professionals at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention anticipate diabetes to affect over 48 million individuals by the year 2050.

Diabetes prevention is as necessary as shedding extra body weight and eating balanced diet. Here are some of the latest tips for prevention of Diabetes naturally  from the American Diabetes Association.

1. Get more physical activity: .

There are various advantages to regular physical activity. It can assist you shed extra body weight but even if it doesn't, it's still important to get off the couch.Whether you lose weight or not, physical activity lowers blood glucose and improves your responsiveness to insulin that helps keep your blood glucose normal. Study shows that both aerobic workout and resistance training can help control the disease, but the greatest benefits come from a fitness program, which consists of both.

2. Eat plenty of fiber:

It's rough, it's tough — and it may lessen diabetes risk by meliorating your blood sugar control. Fiber ingestion is also linked with a lower chance of cardiomyopathy. It may even encourage weight loss by assisting you feel full. Foods rich in fiber comprise fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

3. Eat more whole grains: 

Even though it's not clear why, whole grains may lessen your diabetes risk and help maintain normal blood glucose levels in the body. Try to make at least half your grains whole grains. Lots of foods made from whole grains come ready-made comprising various breads, pasta products and ready made cereals. Search the word "whole" on the box and among the first few items in the ingredient list.

4. Shed extra weight: 

If you're obese, diabetes prevention may depend upon loss of extra weight. Every kilo you shed can perk up your physical condition. And you may be amazed by how much.
In one report, obese adults who lost 5 to 10% of initial weight and worked out on a regular basis cut the risk of developing diabetes by 58% over three years.

5. Skip fad diets and make healthier choices: 

Low-carbohydrate, low-glycemic load or other obesity diets may assist you lose weight at first, but their efficiency at preventing the disease isn't recognized; nor are their long-run effects. And by excluding or strictly fixing a particular food group, you may be giving up essential nutrients.

The American Diabetes Association suggests blood sugar testing for everyone age 45 and older who's obese. If you're over 45 and at a normal weight, ask your medical doctor regarding previous screening. Also ask your physician about screening if you're younger than age 45 and obese with one or more additional risk factors for type 2 diabetes like an inactive way of life or a family history of diabetes.

Also share your worries on diabetes prevention. Your physician will applaud your attempts to keep diabetes at bay, and perhaps offer added suggestions based on your medical record or other factors.

Prevention of Diabetes naturally: What to eat and not to eat for diabetes:

A proper diet is a crucial thing in keeping the diabetes level under control. Taking in consideration the actuality that eating troubles are some of the causes of diabetes, each and every person should know that a good diet is needed if there is a possibility of prevention or one of curing or keeping the illness under control.

If you are suffering from diabetes, there are ways to improve and control the symptoms of your illness. It is vital to discover what to eat and not to eat for diabetes. Researchers report the global rates of Type 2 diabetes are likely to increase twofold by the next twenty years. These figures do not have to happen if we can start to practice what foods to enjoy and avoid. A diet high in fiber, but low in fat is most often recommended for diabetes patients. You especially have to avoid saturated fat and limit the quantity of sugar you consume.

1. Bread is a major source of carbohydrates in our diets. Carbohydrate is a valuable source of energy, vitamins, and minerals. It also provides fiber, which helps maintain blood glucose levels. Beans, peas, oats, and barley have this fiber.

2.Whole grain products are the smartest choice as it takes longer for your digestive system to stop working. This keeps the body from releasing sudden bursts of sugar. Potatoes, corn, and pasta are rich in carbohydrates.

Prevention of Diabetes naturally

3. Veggies should be included on your list of what to eat and not to consume for diabetes. Tasty samples to comprise are tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, carrots, lettuce, cabbage and cucumbers. It is important to have 3-5 servings on a daily basis.

4. Fruits have carbs together with natural sugars, so you should be cautious indulging in excess quantity. It is a good idea to mix fruit with a protein or before work out. Make sure the canned fruits you purchase are packed in sugarless fruit juice. Diabetics require 2-4 servings of fruit daily.

5. Milk and other dairy products should be restricted because of being high in carbohydrate contents. Consuming low-calorie milk and sugarless yogurt will help keep your diabetes level normal, and an added bonus of saving calories. Two to three meals of dairy products are your everyday necessity.

6. Protein can be meat or meat alternates like cheese, eggs, peanut butter and tofu. You only necessitate around six ounces of protein daily, broken up over 2-3 servings. One tablespoonful of peanut butter or an egg weighs an ounce. Fish, poultry, beans, and nuts, are sources of protein.

7. Fats and Sweets are also important for our bodies but only in moderate quantities. Preparing your own dressing avoids the trans fatty acid present in processed foods. Sweets are permitted for many diabetes sufferers if the portion size is properly controlled. Sugar free sweets are an alternative, but keep in mind to take the extra carbohydrates into consideration.

Prevention of Diabetes naturally

Prevention of Diabetes naturally: Yoga

Although, “Yogic exercises” cannot cure diabetes, but it can balance the daily life changes vital to keep the symptoms in diabetes patients in hand. Yoga also helps in keeping the individual in good health. Yogic exercises can make life happy, healthy as well as balanced. Yoga exercises smoothly tone and also meliorates blood movement especially to the extremities. Yoga exercises together with relaxation training, controls the blood pressure level. Yoga also lessens the damaging effects of physical as well as mental tension.

The best time to do yoga is early mornings and evenings. In general, yoga should be done on an empty stomach or if in the evening, there should be a gap of at least half on hour after light snacks and of three hours after a meal. It has been suggested that diabetics can consume something immediately after performing exercises.

Yogic exercises have shown some advantageous results in curing diabetes. Yoga, which is prescribed for curing diabetes, is different from hatha yoga exercise as it consists of different positions tailored to take care of certain conditions plus meditation, relaxation and stretching workouts.

Practicing yogic exercises like spinal twist, the bow and abdominal breathing for just thirty minutes daily for a period of one month helps lessen blood sugar levels in  diabetes patients.

Prevention of Diabetes naturally: Home remedies 

Alternative cures are home remedies, which you can do at home, and using ingredients that you can easily discover in your own locality. Yes, there are various herbaceous plants and spices, which you can use in order to make special recipes that would make successful diabetes cure. Among these are:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar - 

One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar on a daily basis keeps diabetes away. Apple cider vinegar contains special constituents, which help to lower levels of blood glucose, hence making it a best candidate for diabetes treatment.

2. Cinnamon – 

It is mostly used to add taste to pies, tea, pastries, egg dishes and coffee, but do you know that cinnamon can also lessen high blood glucose in a significant manner. You don't even require much to see the effects of aromatic bark used as a spice. In actual fact, even just a dash of cinnamon daily may be all you require to control your blood glucose levels.

3. Bitter Melon - 

It may not be much popular among children, but it ranks high when it comes to natural means to diabetes cure. Bitter melon juice is very effectual in controlling blood glucose levels, especially if you consume it first thing empty stomach. While it is bitter in taste, karela has plenty of health advantages, which make it all worth it.

These three have been so highly regarded as an effectual diabetes cure. Just like in the case of diabetic medications, but, you have to follow up a healthy way of life to be capable of noticing a significant difference.

Prevention of Diabetes naturally: Important tips for Diabetes patients:

Here are some important tips for diabetes patients:

- Regular blood glucose screening is the best way to keep tight control.

- Keep insulin and test strips away from extreme heat and cold.

- Always check your feet before going to sleep.

- Blood glucose examination guidelines:

* Type 1: 3-4 times daily
* Type 2: 1-2 times daily

- Check blood sugar level before taking a meal.

- Get your eyes checked regularly.

- Eat a range of foods at every meal.

- Know you target HbA1c.

- Quit smoking.

- Discover a new diabetic recipe or two to try.

- Check how to manage your blood sugar levels on sick days.

- Never skip a meal.

- Have chicken soup or broth when you're not well.

- If blood sugar is too high or low, call your diabetes team or physician.

- Talk to your physician before starting an exercise program.

- Keep your insulin and medicine with you when you tour.

- File toe nails, don’t cut them.

- Take a 30-minute walk at your own speed.

- Do not go barefooted.

- Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily.

- Get your kidneys checked on a regular basis.

- Keep extra regular insulin on hand when ill.

- You should visit your diabetes specialist four times a year.

- Inability may mean more insulin or medications.

- Check your BP level regularly.

- Follow scheduled meal times as closely as possible.

- Make sure a family member knows how to assist you in an emergency situation.


To sum up for who wonders prevention of Diabetes naturally, in many cases general management of the case successes if the patient is cooperative and follow instructions. 

Go Healthy and Happy

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Healthy Foods to Lose Weight

Healthy Foods to Lose Weight

Healthy Foods to Lose Weight

Losing weight is a battle almost every person on this planet is fighting. Some people make serious lifestyle changes; adhere to strict diets believing regular exercise as a key to lose weight. Different weight loss plans work for different people but here is a list of healthy foods to lose weight that is bound to help almost everyone who includes them in his or her regular diet. Unlike popular belief Nutritious food is not gross at all and can actually be quite delicious if you research some healthy food recipes. Another popular belief about healthy foods that is false is how expensive the food is. Simply adding at least one green vegetable to all your meals is enough to notice a different. Unlike a poor diet, healthy foods to lose weight will make you feel terrific in your mood. Lets say you go to your doctor and he or she says you cannot work out for whatever reason, that should not stop you from having an awesome body. With healthy foods to help you burn fat you should be perfectly fine with not gaining fat. Exercising does help but it is not an option for everyone from too busy of a schedule to maybe having a medicinal reason such as a prior injury, you can still look great with the proper nutrition. With just healthy foods you can lose plenty of weight.

Why Use Healthy Foods to Lose Weight

You might be asking yourself, but why would I use healthy foods to lose weight? Why can’t I just use the best diet pill, or maybe just go on a crash diet Well a lot of people forget that their body is a natural organism, and when you use all these strong medicated diet pills it is actually hurting your body. Sure you might get some quick results, but the key to keeping your fat off is making your health your main priority and treating this as a lifestyle like I have mentioned a lot on this site. If you were to go on a crash diet you would get what is called rebound fat, which means that even after you lose all that weight drastically with a crash diet you will gain it all right back.

List of Healthy Foods to lose weight

There is no real top healthy foods to lose weight, but there is basic foods that have been shown to be good for you. Some food that makes me feel great can make someone else feel bad because of food allergies. So of course it is always best to ask a nutritionist or a licensed doctor. Here is only a small list of some healthy foods to lose weight.

Healthy Foods to Lose Weight

1. Apples:  

While you cannot be sure if an apple a day keeps the doctors away, you can, however, be certain that apples will keeps those extra pounds away. Apples have a high fiber content which gives a feeling of being ‘full’ allowing you to eat fewer calories. Munch an apple before dinner or a heavy lunch, you will find your appetite being lowered.


Breakfast on its own is called the healthiest meal of the day but a breakfast coupled with a few eggs is sure to burn more calories during the day. Besides, eggs contain healthy Proteins that are good for the body and prevent bulking up.

3.Olive oil: 

A very good substitute for ordinary cooking oil, olive oil is much healthier and tasty. You can use it; as a dressing for different salads; cook your food in it; and use it as you like, there is absolutely no wrong way of using olive oil. Studies prove that olive oil has Anti-inflammatory properties that speed up your metabolism rate allowing your body to lose more weight.


Lentils happen to be one of the top healthy foods to lose weight that should be on your diet list. They are enriched with proteins and soluble fiber and are ideal for stabilizing the blood sugar levels in your body.

5. Tomatoes: 

Did you ever need a reason to eat tomatoes? Well! Here is a strong one, they help you lose weight. Tomatoes are high in fiber which trick your body into feeling full thereby lowering your appetite. You eat less; therefore, you consume lesser calories.
Healthy Foods to Lose Weight


These are great! If you buy a bag of baby carrots, you can snack on them while you watch your favorite TV show. 


Some people like chopping up celery into bite sized pieces because they can otherwise be too stringy. Regardless, this is another excellent food item to add to your list.


Not only are blueberries filled with antioxidants, but they taste delicious! Nothing beats a bowl of blueberries as a mid-morning snack. 


You can slice an avocado and then add it to a salad, or just enjoy it by itself or as part of a meal. 


The secret to making spinach more enjoyable is to combine it with other healthy foods. This also includes blending spinach into a smoothie. 


If you've never tried alfalfa sprouts, then you don't know what you're missing! They're tasty, healthy, and should be a part of every salad that you prepare. 


Be sure to add cucumber slices to the next salad that you make. Cucumbers are incredibly healthy and most people think they're tasty. 


 Adding asparagus to a meal can not only make it a lot more healthy, but it also adds something different. 


One of the easiest ways to boost the nutritional value of a salad is to sprinkle some pomegranates on it. 


You can add a cup of cranberries to your favorite salad and really "kick it up a notch," as a famous TV chef would say! 


Having a couple of oranges can be a perfect snack. Not only are oranges incredibly healthy, but they go well with other types of food as well.

17. Peaches:

Peaches have a lot of healthy vitamins and nutrients, and can be an excellent snack that is significantly healthier than a bag of pretzels.


While it's true the plums can sometimes be a little bit messy to deal with, they are nutrient rich and should definitely be part of your diet. 


Adding some cabbage to your diet may not sound very exciting, but it's yet another way to dramatically improve your health and wellness. 


Adding some cauliflower to your next meal is a great idea because many studies have shown that cauliflower can contribute to healthier red blood cells. 

21. Green tea:

Green tea might just be the answer for your weight loss. This mysterious tea will change your life when you realize its health benefits and how it melts fat right off your body. Something really important that green tea does is burn off your stubborn fat. It is also a lifestyle change.Take the time to research green tea, then stop by your local market to pick it up and try it out!

High Calorie Healthy Food

Of course the most delicious healthy foods are probably the highest calorie healthy foods. That truth will never go away as much as we would like it too. Even healthy foods can cause weight gain which uncommon and strange because we picture healthy food as something you can’t eat enough of. It all comes down to moderation weight gain happens when you eat too many calories, it does not matter if it is even a vegetable such as celery, it would be extremely hard to do but it is possible if you were to eat enough. Everyone has a limit where they gain or lose weight and it is called the maintenance level. When you learn this number you can avoid worrying about high calorie healthy foods.

Related article:

The Conclusion:

There you have it, a list of healthy foods to lose weight with! But it's not just about losing weight -- it's about improving the quality of your life. You don't have to eat all the things on this list on a daily basis, but you should definitely make an effort to eat everything on this list at least once a week. 

Incorporating healthy foods to lose weight in your regular diet is something that will help you stay fit and healthy for a long time, instead of going on strict diet  that in the long run are extremely harmful.

Go Healthy and Happy 

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Healthy tips for summer

Healthy tips for summer

Healthy tips for summer

Every season is beautiful, if you know how to enjoy that time and maintain your health. The summer season can be a difficult time for many of us due to the heat and humidity, but this season can also be made enjoyable by taking care of some small things so that you can benefit from the care and precautions taken.

Here are some tips to beat the heat of summer and keep calm:

Healthy tips for summer

1. Apply sunscreen daily

When going out, use a good sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your skin from damage from the harsh rays of the sun.Sunscreen helps prevent skin cancer and the risk of severe sun burn, also known as sun poisoning. If caution is not taken, it can lead to excessive dehydration and hospital visit. Sunscreen has also proved to be helpful in slowing down the aging process of your skin.

As a general rule, use a broad spectrum sunscreen with a 30 SPF minimum. An ounce, or about the size of a shot glass, is considered sufficient to cover the body.Apply sunscreen at least 15 - 20 minutes before going out. Also, if possible, try to stay indoors during peak summer hours

2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Water is always the drink of choice throughout the year. However, water is very important during summer when dehydration is at greater risk.

Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily if exercising or outdoors for more than a few hours.

For every hour in the sun, drink at least 1 to 2 glasses of water. This prevents dehydration and replenishes energy levels while soaking in the rays

3. Choose cotton and linen

Keep lots of cotton and linen in your wardrobe that can keep you cool and soak up sweat from your body. Avoid synthetic clothing. Also try to get lighter colors. To add comfort, wear loose-fitting clothes if possible.

Healthy tips for summer

4. Eat Breakfast

Waiting outside for breakfast can take a backseat with all the fun. But without proper nutrition in the morning, the body may merge in the summer sun and potentially heat overexposure, dehydration, or fainting.

Eating a healthy breakfast can reduce these risks, balance blood sugar, and increase energy levels to kickstart the day.

The morning meal should be balanced with protein, healthy fats and fiber. And these high-protein, low-carb breakfasts are ones you don't want to miss this summer!

5. Avoid oily and processed food

During our summers, digestion becomes slightly weaker, it is advisable to avoid oily and processed food and to choose fresh, light and high fiber items that are easily digestible.

6. Have a Workout Routine

Do not stop exercising due to high heat, keep yourself active and if you want to exercise outside, do it early in the morning or late in the evening.
Healthy tips for summer

7. Eat fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables

Summers bring with them a variety of fruits and vegetables such as mango, watermelon, litchi, lime, cucumber and many more. They are healthy with lots of water and are also rich in vitamins and minerals. Include them in your daily diet to stay healthy.

8. Plan a holiday

Some of the summer days are a holiday for the children, a family vacation plan and some family time in place of the cooler to beat the heat. Even if you are single or do not have children, spending fun time with your loved ones is not a bad idea.

9.Embrace "Healthy" BBQ

Family and friends prefer a good BBQ during the summer. But widen the palette slightly instead of traditional staples.

Instead of regular burgers and brats, soaking in BBQ sauce provides a fresher flavor. This may include grilled chicken or fish. Grill fruits and vegetables for a fresh side dish.

These delicious protein fractions are much healthier than hamburgers or hot dogs, and they leave you feeling full longer. 

10. Treat your eyes well

Protect your eyesight at work and at play, wear protective eyelashes. When going outside, wear sunglasses that prevent at least 99% ultraviolet A and B rays.

11. Avoid alcohol and caffeine

Alcohol, cola, and coffee can all leave you dehydrated quickly. Try to avoid these beverages, especially during hot weather. Plain or aromatic water is a good choice.

12. Sleep well

The urge to stay up late as a result of mild evenings in summer. Instead focus on developing a good sleep cycle by keeping the same bedtime and wake-up schedule.

The conclusion

Summer is vibrant, fun and exciting just like any other season. But, even though it is not one of the favorites of many, it still has a lot to offer.

Now, it is up to us that we should understand that our bodies need to be treated differently in every season; Diet is different, and clothes are different. We just have to understand the need and mold ourselves accordingly and take full advantage of what is coming our way.

So let's be ready for summer, do these small simple things and stay healthy and fit during summer.

Related article:

Go Healthy and Happy

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ayurveda tips for healthy lifestyle

Ayurveda tips for healthy lifestyle

Ayurveda tips for healthy lifestyle

Every human wants to live a healthy life. People spend their whole life trying to live a healthy life. All have different methods, some resort to yoga, some use medicines, some home remedies, and some western methods of treatment. The goal of everyone is to create a situation in which they are free from both physical and mental diseases. To achieve this goal, Ayurveda has been adopting certain methods over the years, by adopting which you can lead a healthy life.

Let's know 8 Ayurveda tips for healthy lifestyle:

1. Meditation

Meditation is one such ancient method of Ayurveda which is now being adopted all over the world. Meditation is used to enhance healthy living and concentration. Meditation keeps your mind calm and makes you feel very relaxed. It gives you the power to control yourself. If you are under stress all the time then do meditation. Meditation includes breathing awareness as well as moving meditation or yoga. Follow the technique of meditation, which you understand well. 

Ayurveda tips for healthy lifestyle

2. Pranayama (Respiratory process exercise)

Pranayama is an action that is performed in the open air. Pranayama means regulating your breath as well as regulating both body and mind. Pranayama is a very easy verb. Kapalabhati Kriya of Pranayama is very popular. In this pranayama, keep removing the breath with full force through both nostrils. With this pranayama, the face is soft and radiant and has great benefits in all diseases related to asthma, blood pressure, sugar, obesity, constipation, gas, depression, prostate and kidney.

3. Tongue cleaning

Tongue scraping or tongue cleaning is very important for your health according to Ayurveda. If your taste buds or taste buds are covered with bacteria and plaque, you will not feel the taste of food. This allows you to eat more salt or more sugar. Rest the tongue scraper on the tongue. Rinse after cleaning in every direction for one to two minutes.

Ayurveda tips for healthy lifestyle

4. Body massage

Massage has many benefits to the body. This improves blood circulation in the body, tightens the skin, increases muscle strength. Massage has a good effect on the body as well as the mind. Massaging relieves tension, and lightness is felt. Ayurveda recommends sesame oil or coconut oil for massage. To massage, heat the oil lightly, then massage with light hands in the direction of clock needles.

Ayurveda tips for healthy lifestyle

5. Sweat 

Your skin is the largest organ of detoxification. When the skin is exposed to heat, the impurities of the body come out of it in the form of sweat. Sweating also increases circulation, and your body only has as much water as needed. Sweat is an Ayurvedic spa treatment in which whole body oil massage is done and then steam is given. By this, all the impurities of the body get out through the pores. In addition, you can go to the gym and exercise, run.

6. Eat heavy meals at noon

Ayurveda believes that when the sun is at its highest point, that is, between 12 noon and 1 pm, that time our digestive capacity is at its peak. However, this does not mean that you eat more than you need at this time. This means that you eat light food for breakfast and dinner, and you can eat a little heavier than them during the day.

7. Hot water and ginger tea

Cold water can impede your digestive functions. Instead, drink lukewarm or light hot water. Together, ginger tea. According to Ayurveda, ginger tea enhances digestive capacity. Start with a cup of ginger tea in the morning. If it starts having a good effect on your health, then gradually increase your intake by two to three cups a day.

8. Do not eat when you are more emotional

If a deep emotion dominates you, it shows that you are not able to concentrate on eating. This may cause problems in digestion, you may choose the wrong food or you will not get satisfaction after eating. So wait, eat your food when your emotions are under control.

Go healthy and happy

Prevention of Diabetes naturally

Prevention of Diabetes naturally Of all chronic illnesses that affect humans right now,  type 2 diabetes is the one, doubtlessly,...