Saturday, August 24, 2019

Healthy tips for summer

Healthy tips for summer

Healthy tips for summer

Every season is beautiful, if you know how to enjoy that time and maintain your health. The summer season can be a difficult time for many of us due to the heat and humidity, but this season can also be made enjoyable by taking care of some small things so that you can benefit from the care and precautions taken.

Here are some tips to beat the heat of summer and keep calm:

Healthy tips for summer

1. Apply sunscreen daily

When going out, use a good sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your skin from damage from the harsh rays of the sun.Sunscreen helps prevent skin cancer and the risk of severe sun burn, also known as sun poisoning. If caution is not taken, it can lead to excessive dehydration and hospital visit. Sunscreen has also proved to be helpful in slowing down the aging process of your skin.

As a general rule, use a broad spectrum sunscreen with a 30 SPF minimum. An ounce, or about the size of a shot glass, is considered sufficient to cover the body.Apply sunscreen at least 15 - 20 minutes before going out. Also, if possible, try to stay indoors during peak summer hours

2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Water is always the drink of choice throughout the year. However, water is very important during summer when dehydration is at greater risk.

Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily if exercising or outdoors for more than a few hours.

For every hour in the sun, drink at least 1 to 2 glasses of water. This prevents dehydration and replenishes energy levels while soaking in the rays

3. Choose cotton and linen

Keep lots of cotton and linen in your wardrobe that can keep you cool and soak up sweat from your body. Avoid synthetic clothing. Also try to get lighter colors. To add comfort, wear loose-fitting clothes if possible.

Healthy tips for summer

4. Eat Breakfast

Waiting outside for breakfast can take a backseat with all the fun. But without proper nutrition in the morning, the body may merge in the summer sun and potentially heat overexposure, dehydration, or fainting.

Eating a healthy breakfast can reduce these risks, balance blood sugar, and increase energy levels to kickstart the day.

The morning meal should be balanced with protein, healthy fats and fiber. And these high-protein, low-carb breakfasts are ones you don't want to miss this summer!

5. Avoid oily and processed food

During our summers, digestion becomes slightly weaker, it is advisable to avoid oily and processed food and to choose fresh, light and high fiber items that are easily digestible.

6. Have a Workout Routine

Do not stop exercising due to high heat, keep yourself active and if you want to exercise outside, do it early in the morning or late in the evening.
Healthy tips for summer

7. Eat fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables

Summers bring with them a variety of fruits and vegetables such as mango, watermelon, litchi, lime, cucumber and many more. They are healthy with lots of water and are also rich in vitamins and minerals. Include them in your daily diet to stay healthy.

8. Plan a holiday

Some of the summer days are a holiday for the children, a family vacation plan and some family time in place of the cooler to beat the heat. Even if you are single or do not have children, spending fun time with your loved ones is not a bad idea.

9.Embrace "Healthy" BBQ

Family and friends prefer a good BBQ during the summer. But widen the palette slightly instead of traditional staples.

Instead of regular burgers and brats, soaking in BBQ sauce provides a fresher flavor. This may include grilled chicken or fish. Grill fruits and vegetables for a fresh side dish.

These delicious protein fractions are much healthier than hamburgers or hot dogs, and they leave you feeling full longer. 

10. Treat your eyes well

Protect your eyesight at work and at play, wear protective eyelashes. When going outside, wear sunglasses that prevent at least 99% ultraviolet A and B rays.

11. Avoid alcohol and caffeine

Alcohol, cola, and coffee can all leave you dehydrated quickly. Try to avoid these beverages, especially during hot weather. Plain or aromatic water is a good choice.

12. Sleep well

The urge to stay up late as a result of mild evenings in summer. Instead focus on developing a good sleep cycle by keeping the same bedtime and wake-up schedule.

The conclusion

Summer is vibrant, fun and exciting just like any other season. But, even though it is not one of the favorites of many, it still has a lot to offer.

Now, it is up to us that we should understand that our bodies need to be treated differently in every season; Diet is different, and clothes are different. We just have to understand the need and mold ourselves accordingly and take full advantage of what is coming our way.

So let's be ready for summer, do these small simple things and stay healthy and fit during summer.

Related article:

Go Healthy and Happy

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