Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ayurveda tips for healthy lifestyle

Ayurveda tips for healthy lifestyle

Ayurveda tips for healthy lifestyle

Every human wants to live a healthy life. People spend their whole life trying to live a healthy life. All have different methods, some resort to yoga, some use medicines, some home remedies, and some western methods of treatment. The goal of everyone is to create a situation in which they are free from both physical and mental diseases. To achieve this goal, Ayurveda has been adopting certain methods over the years, by adopting which you can lead a healthy life.

Let's know 8 Ayurveda tips for healthy lifestyle:

1. Meditation

Meditation is one such ancient method of Ayurveda which is now being adopted all over the world. Meditation is used to enhance healthy living and concentration. Meditation keeps your mind calm and makes you feel very relaxed. It gives you the power to control yourself. If you are under stress all the time then do meditation. Meditation includes breathing awareness as well as moving meditation or yoga. Follow the technique of meditation, which you understand well. 

Ayurveda tips for healthy lifestyle

2. Pranayama (Respiratory process exercise)

Pranayama is an action that is performed in the open air. Pranayama means regulating your breath as well as regulating both body and mind. Pranayama is a very easy verb. Kapalabhati Kriya of Pranayama is very popular. In this pranayama, keep removing the breath with full force through both nostrils. With this pranayama, the face is soft and radiant and has great benefits in all diseases related to asthma, blood pressure, sugar, obesity, constipation, gas, depression, prostate and kidney.

3. Tongue cleaning

Tongue scraping or tongue cleaning is very important for your health according to Ayurveda. If your taste buds or taste buds are covered with bacteria and plaque, you will not feel the taste of food. This allows you to eat more salt or more sugar. Rest the tongue scraper on the tongue. Rinse after cleaning in every direction for one to two minutes.

Ayurveda tips for healthy lifestyle

4. Body massage

Massage has many benefits to the body. This improves blood circulation in the body, tightens the skin, increases muscle strength. Massage has a good effect on the body as well as the mind. Massaging relieves tension, and lightness is felt. Ayurveda recommends sesame oil or coconut oil for massage. To massage, heat the oil lightly, then massage with light hands in the direction of clock needles.

Ayurveda tips for healthy lifestyle

5. Sweat 

Your skin is the largest organ of detoxification. When the skin is exposed to heat, the impurities of the body come out of it in the form of sweat. Sweating also increases circulation, and your body only has as much water as needed. Sweat is an Ayurvedic spa treatment in which whole body oil massage is done and then steam is given. By this, all the impurities of the body get out through the pores. In addition, you can go to the gym and exercise, run.

6. Eat heavy meals at noon

Ayurveda believes that when the sun is at its highest point, that is, between 12 noon and 1 pm, that time our digestive capacity is at its peak. However, this does not mean that you eat more than you need at this time. This means that you eat light food for breakfast and dinner, and you can eat a little heavier than them during the day.

7. Hot water and ginger tea

Cold water can impede your digestive functions. Instead, drink lukewarm or light hot water. Together, ginger tea. According to Ayurveda, ginger tea enhances digestive capacity. Start with a cup of ginger tea in the morning. If it starts having a good effect on your health, then gradually increase your intake by two to three cups a day.

8. Do not eat when you are more emotional

If a deep emotion dominates you, it shows that you are not able to concentrate on eating. This may cause problems in digestion, you may choose the wrong food or you will not get satisfaction after eating. So wait, eat your food when your emotions are under control.

Go healthy and happy

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